A Peek Into My Weight Loss Journey

It had been four months since I had my baby, and I was still sitting at the same weight I had been since the day she was born. Not only that, I was sleeping terribly, my body was always so incredibly sore, my anxiety level was consistently elevated, my brain was very foggy to the point it was hard for me to put sentences together, I was exhausted and out of energy before the day even began, my hair and skin were super dry, and I felt stuck. My weight consumed my thoughts, my self confidence took a hit, I wanted to hide in my clothes, and wanted to hide from the world.  Being overweight is a struggle because it's not something you can hide and no one will know about. You literally wear your problems on the outside of you for everyone to judge, or at least that's what it feels like. Honestly, I felt very hopeless because I knew where I wanted to be, and it felt SO far out of reach that it didn't seem attainable. 

It was around that time that my mom had asked me if I wanted to try out a few sessions with a health coach she had heard about from her best friend. I didn't even think twice and jumped right in, hoping that this would be the push I was needing to get to work. To make a long story short: It was! 

Here's just a little breakdown of the things I learned over the past 8 months.

1. The first thing my health coach had me do is think through who my "ideal Whitney" would be. To rephrase, at the end of our sessions, how would I like to see myself. I said, "I want to be colorful, carefree, less stressed, energetic, and free." I didn't understand it at the time, but this was extremely important. Never once did I say "skinny". The words that I used to describe my ideal self were then how I'd measure how I was doing; the scale no longer carried the same "weight" or burden. My focus was now on how I was FEELING not on what I was weighing.

2. I said goodbye to sugar.  I knew from past experience that I needed to get off sugar and carbs because it was the first thing I'd run to if I was going to binge. Getting "detoxed" from sugar was one of the singular most significant changes I made, and immediately helped to clear my brain, lift my mood, and helped me climb out of the black hole it felt like I had been living in. 

3. Eating healthier doesn't have to be "all or nothing". I have a perfectionistic personality, so If don't quite meet the mark, I have guilt and shame and then want to turn to food to numb the feeling of not exceeding my expectations. This cycle of thinking and behavior was what was keeping me stuck. Perfection isn't attainable, so don't strive for perfection. Just understanding this helped me give myself so much grace and really helped me champion my efforts and be happy with what I HAD done instead of what I HADN'T done. My health coach told me one week, "Whitney, have you noticed that it's maybe your perfectionism that is keeping you from being truly free." 

4. Once I felt that I had a handle on keto for a few months, I switched to intuitive eating. Just like how I knew sugar negatively impacted my body, I began to notice other reactions to different foods. Dairy clogs my sinuses, makes me feel like I constantly have to clear my throat and my skin to look textured. Gluten makes me bloat and makes my joints ache. Corn actually causes my eczema to flair up, and my body to feel achy. I slowly started to remove those from my diet and find replacements. For example, I now put oat milk and coconut milk in my coffee instead of heavy cream. Once I started to listen to my body, I actually noticed a huge drop in my weight, my inflammation lessened, my muscles recovered a lot faster when working out, I slept better, my skin cleared, my mood improved; you name it, it was better. This is a huge motivator for me to this day to continue with eating what my body likes, because in turn, my body and health continued to improve and I felt SO much better.

During my last health coaching session, she asked me, "Do you feel colorful, carefree, stress free, and free?" I knew right away that I did! A physical and mental weight had been lifted, and I no longer felt hopelessly stuck, but joyfully free!


Thanks for sharing your story! I was exactly where you were at last year…except it had been 4 YEARS after baby #5 at age 40 and I couldn’t lose the weight. A gallbladder attack changed that overnight for me. Desperate to keep a tiny yet important organ, I set out to change my diet. I’m somewhere over 60 lbs lighter. I still have my gallbladder. Thankful and still learning to heal and improve on a daily basis.

Jodi February 12, 2021

You look great!!!! Would you be willing to share your coach’s info?

Christie February 12, 2021

Also, would you be so kind to share contact info for your health coach? Thanks!

Kristin January 19, 2021

This is such a powerful post! Thank you so much for sharing your journey and the steps you made towards reaching your goal of a healthier and happier you. Very inspiring especially to those of us who are just beginning our own journey to wellness!

Kristin January 19, 2021

Thank you for this article. I’m needing to take back my health this year. I’m wanting to start keto.
Did you follow a book? FB group? Seems overwhelming so wanting to take small steps to start. I have 4 kids so any advice is appreciated.

Natalie Beckley January 19, 2021

Thank you for this article. I’m needing to take back my health this year. I’m wanting to start keto.
Did you follow a book? FB group? Seems overwhelming so wanting to take small steps to start. I have 4 kids so any advice is appreciated.

Natalie Beckley January 19, 2021

What a wonderful story. You look amazing and most importantly you feel amazing. I was doing great on my weight loss journey until I lost my mom and the covid hit. Slowly the weight is creeping back on. I am inspired by you and need to look at making healthy changes.

Kathy Hughes January 19, 2021

What a wonderful story. You look amazing and most importantly you feel amazing. I was doing great on my weight loss journey until I lost my mom and the covid hit. Slowly the weight is creeping back on. I am inspired by you and need to look at making healthy changes.

Kathy Hughes January 19, 2021

What a wonderful story. You look amazing and most importantly you feel amazing. I was doing great on my weight loss journey until I lost my mom and the covid hit. Slowly the weight is creeping back on. I am inspired by you and need to look at making healthy changes.

Kathy Hughes January 19, 2021

What a wonderful story. You look amazing and most importantly you feel amazing. I was doing great on my weight loss journey until I lost my mom and the covid hit. Slowly the weight is creeping back on. I am inspired by you and need to look at making healthy changes.

Kathy Hughes January 19, 2021

U are beautiful!

Jessica Maffett January 19, 2021

I love hearing about your journey and story. I joined the weight watchers program in November and I have lost over 15 pounds since. Not that I was not healthy before but I could lose weight. I feel so good in what I’m doing and gaining a more gallery and healthy me.

Jordan Dalton January 19, 2021

I love hearing about your journey and story. I joined the weight watchers program in November and I have lost over 15 pounds since. Not that I was not healthy before but I could lose weight. I feel so good in what I’m doing and gaining a more gallery and healthy me.

Jordan Dalton January 19, 2021

I love hearing about your journey and story. I joined the weight watchers program in November and I have lost over 15 pounds since. Not that I was not healthy before but I could lose weight. I feel so good in what I’m doing and gaining a more gallery and healthy me.

Jordan Dalton January 19, 2021

You are so inspiring! I love the advice about intuitive eating and recognizing how you felt after eating certain things! Mindfulness is so important in every aspect, including what we feed our bodies. Thanks for sharing!

Naomi Wands January 19, 2021

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