Cousin's Day!
For those of you that don’t know… July 24th is National Cousin’s Day! Cousins are usually the very first friendships that we make. And, did you know that I’m privileged to be a cousin to Royal + Reese’s owners: Tara, Whitney and Kait?! Another fun fact is that their parents introduced my mom and my dad to each other. So really, if it weren’t for them, my brothers and I wouldn’t be here. BUT, I thought for National Cousin’s Day, it would be fun to tell you a little memory about each sister!
Tara- Can you imagine this lady as a child or a young adult!? Haha, I still have a difficult time wrapping my head around it and it’s no shade to her…it’s just that she’s always been so mature and wise beyond her years—still to this day! When I was younger, Tara and I had enough of an age gap where we weren't close because we had cousins that were closer to us, in age. HOWEVER, we did later on in life and my favorite memory of Tara is when her and Whitney and myself went to Chicago and decided to check out the observation deck in the Sears Tower. Before you can get to the elevator of the deck, you wait in line for a ‘green screen’ that gives you four different backgrounds of the city. Wellllllll, Tara wore a green vest and you can imagine what happened next. She looked at the pictures a little later and was like, wait why does my shirt look weird? *cue cry laughing*. It is one of my most favorite memories!
Whitney-Ah, one of my oldest and dearest friends. There are too many memories to count with her but one of my very first is when we were pen pals. We were llllliiiiitttttllleeee okay, like little. (I may have even plugged it here on the blog before). Maybe six or seven years old and we wrote each other letters. How exciting it would be to see the letter come across in the mail! Well, Whitney always has been such a talented artist, she drew me a picture of a horse and mailed it to me. I can’t draw anything so I sent her a piece of gum from my mom’s purse, back. I mean, she was destined for artistic greatness back then. She’s classic and unique in the absolute coolest ways.
Kait-Then, there’s Kait. Poor Kait. Whitney and I were such turkeys to her, growing up. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t see Kait’s cool factor until later on in life. I feel like Kait will try and make me laugh and I never do…until she says something random that I obsess and laugh about for years. But, one of my favorite memories is when we were headed back to Nashville after a week of working at RR and I told Kait that we should stop and get ice cream. Not only did she drive about 5-7 miles out of town, when she pulled up to the local Dairy Queen, I couldn’t stop laughing. Because the board was so huge and she had to look out her back window to see the left side of the menu. I laughed so hard and she laughed too because she thinks I’m absolutely ridiculous.
So, for cousins day…make sure you reach out to your favorites and tell them your favorite memories together. And I can guarantee, that you’ll get a laugh out of the deal, so isn’t it worth it?!